What is coding?
Life is made up of codes – how to read and write, how to give directions, how to follow recipes or building plans; even your DNA is made up of a code.
Computers, pictures, programs etc. are also full of codes. Everyone is using it without even knowing they are coding – or in some cases – decoding or debugging – their codes when they solve problems. Doctors, dentists and even plumbers are debugging and solving your problems on a daily basis!
Coding is the new buzz word, but basically it is just programming – or as you have seen above – giving and following instructions.
We have a uniquely designed treasure box filled with unplugged coding exercises. It also comes with theme-based PVC mats to change the coding environment into a 3D one with obstacle courses. This treasure box of codes and mats can be used anywhere – even when there is no electricity in the classroom. No tablets and no electronics are needed.
The box of coding treasures allows users (children at home, learners in schools, adults in businesses for critical thinking, even in sport exercises or ice breaking events) to learn to communicate, to solve problems and code their way through mazes of everyday problems.
This box of coding treasures not only teaches people how to put basic coding commands together by using magnetic wooden coding puzzle pieces; it also accelerates learning when the user combines it with multi-sensory exercises to analyze and synthesize the codes. This fun, relaxed way of coding lays the foundation of coding as a language in the future of the learner.
In short, the learner finds out how to give instructions, how to follow instructions or how to debug and find out where in the sequence/pattern the problem is.
See diagram below:
The ABC’s of Kine-Khodi
•CAPS based
•SACE accredited PR1339
•Psychologist approved
•Provisional Patent 2019/01007 of amaKhodi (old name)
•Trademark 2020/02510
•Continuous development